Thursday, 30 March 2017

Abdominoplasty: The Newest Trend In Weight Loss

Are sit-ups not helping you to get a taut tummy you wish to have? If you have a lot of flab and excess skin in your abdomen which is not leaving you even if you are on diet or doing exercise regularly. Then you should consider a doctor for abdominoplasty. This surgery helps you by removing the extra skin and fat from your belly and tightening your tummy muscles. If you guys are thinking that this surgery is same as the liposuction then you are wrong, because this surgery is very much different from the liposuction.  This is a major surgery, so you should consider some facts, before you decide to go forward.  Let us share with you that Tummy Tuck Surgery in  Chandigarh is very effective and up to your budget.
Tummy Tuck Surgey

Who are eligible for this surgery?
  • A tummy tuck surgery is suitable for both men and women who are healthy.
  • Women who have had pregnancies may find this surgery very much useful to get a tightening skin and muscles around the abdominal.
  • This surgery is also a best option for those men and women who were once very fat, but still have some excess fat deposits or loose skin around the tummy.

Who all should not consider for a tummy tuck surgery?
  • If you are pregnant or planning for it, then you should postpone a tummy tuck until you’re done having children. During this surgery, your upright muscles are tightened and your future pregnancies can separate those muscles.
  • If you are planning to lose a lot of weight, then friend tummy tuck surgery is not for you. It should not be used as a substitute to weight loss. 

How to prepare yourself for tummy tuck surgery?

The first step is to choose a skilled and qualified surgeon. You should talk to your surgeon about your goals and the following options:
1.      Complete abdominoplasty:  in this, the surgeon will cut your tummy from the hipbone to hipbone and then he contours your skin, muscle and tissue.
2.      Mini or partial abdominoplasty: mini or partial abdominoplasties are done on those whose fat deposits below the navel. During this surgery, the surgeon will not move the belly button and this procedure will take up to two hour.

Before going for this surgery, get yourself ready at home. For this you will need:
  1. Loose and comfortable clothing
  2. Ice packs
  3. Petroleum jelly
  4. Hand held bathroom chair and shower head

After this surgery, you also need someone to drive you home. So, if you live alone, you’ll want someone to stay with you for at least the first night. Decide before going for surgery.

How this surgery is done?

Before this surgery starts, you will get general anesthesia, which will put you to sleep during the operation time. This will take from one to six hours, depending on your case. After this surgery, you will love to know that how much changes your body get after this. So, you would very much excited to go and meet your friends but wait, it will take time, it may be from three weeks to one month.

As you can go to Ludhiana for this surgery. As well as you can go for Tummy Tuck Surgery in Ludhiana. You will definitely get the best service out there. 


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